If you really like fiction and adventure movies, the Harry Potter saga is what you are definitely looking for. The first film of this saga, based on the books of J.K. Rowling, tells the story of Harry Potter, a wizard boy, special for being the only human who has survived an attack by Lord Voldemort.
Harry grows up on Privet Drive, a street located on the outskirts of London. He lives with his uncles and his cousin, the Dursley family. He has to live with them because his parents were killed by the unnamed (Voldemort). Harry receives very bad treatment from this family and rescued by Hagrid, he began his studies in the privileged school of Hogwarts. Here he meets those who will be his best accomplices in this adventure, Hermione and Ron.
This film has got plenty of special effects, but it shows that it is already 18 years old and there are already better recording techniques than those used then. In addition, the cast is magnificent, since each actor and actress captures very well what his character wants to convey on screen.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone is a really enjoyable film which is suitable for any public of any age. A classic movie not to be missed!
Leyre Oiz Gracia, 2ºBach C (13-01-2020)