Iker Torres, 2ºB bachillerato
As the end of this year comes to an end, we , the students, cannot help thinking, yet again, about the exam that awaits us in just some months; the EBAU. For most of us, getting good grades at the end of the school year won’t be enough, as right after we will have to face the biggest and most important exam in our whole life, so far at least. Many students will have to rely on said exam’s results in order to be able to choose their desired careers.
Ever since September 2018, our education has been fully directed towards the EBAU. Thus, it is pretty much natural to feel somewhat anxious about this event. In the end, it will have a significant impact on how our life will be from that point onwards. To many, it seems ridiculous just how much value is given to the EBAU results in comparison with the grades of two entire years. In addition to that, having to study two whole academic courses in about a month is no less than outrageous. That being said, fellow students, we must remember that we do not start from scratch. For those who managed to pass, the work is pretty much done. After all, it’s just reviewing what you have already studied, and surely you will find it easier than you thought.
My advice would be calm down and think of it in a relaxing way; there’s not much to worry about, so you will feel at ease. If you have succeeded throughout the year, why wouldn’t you get the required qualifications up to the mark in an exam whose subjects you have already dealt in class? That doesn’t mean, however, that you should move on and just forget about it.. There will be much work to do, that cannot be avoided, but by now you should understand why you’re doing it. That may help you to motivate in your study, so, even if it’s tedious, you’ll manage it. If you ask someone who has gone through this, they are likely to tell you that it’s not the hell you have imagined to be; as long as you have studied for it.
For now, it is enough to make an effort to understand what’s being taught in class, and to achieve good results in upcoming exams. It’s no use worrying now about something so distant; let’s focus on the present, on yesterday’s homework and tomorrow’s exam. For the moment let’s have some rest and enjoy our daily tasks.